Elective subject
Physiological Bases of Cardiology (15 hours, 3 credit)
Dr. Frenyó V. László
Molecular Cell Physiology (15 hours, 3 credit)
Dr. Bartha Tibor
Bioinformatics (20 hours, 2 credit)
Dr. Bartha Tibor
Physiology of learning (26 hours, 2 credit)
Dr. Tóth István
Animal Paleophysiology (26 hours, 2 credit)
Dr. Kiss Dávid Sándor
Veterinary Nuclear Medicine (15 hours, 4 credit)
Dr. Balogh Lajos
Radiobiology for Veterinarians (15 hours, 4 credit)
Dr. Balogh Lajos
Selected chapters of Pathobiochemistry (15 hours, 2 credit)
Dr. Neogrády Zsuzsanna
Gene surgery (15 hours, 2 credit)
Dr. Mátis Gábor
Functional biochemistry (15 hours, 2 credit)
Dr. Kutas Ferenc